Jellinbah Group’s Jellinbah and Lake Vermont Mines are long-term suppliers of consistently excellent quality coal to steel mill customers. For more than 30 years, Jellinbah Mine has been supplying PCI coal — commonly used for pulverised coal injection in steel making — to steel mills all around the world. Since February 2009 Lake Vermont Mine has been supplying hard coking coal (HCC) which is also used in steel making, and PCI coal.
At the Jellinbah Mine, 60 per cent of the coal mined is so low in impurities that it can be selectively mined and sold unprocessed as PCI coal. The remaining 40 per cent of production, comprising higher ash coal, is washed in the coal processing plant (CPP) prior to being blended with unprocessed coal and loaded onto trains. In contrast, all the Lake Vermont Mine coal is processed through the on-site CHPP so it can be separated into HCC and PCI coal.
Both mines consistently produce high quality coal by:
- Intensive exploration drilling and laboratory analysis of the resulting drill hole samples prior to mining in an area.
- Computer modelling of the coal seam structure and the distribution of coal quality parameters, which is then incorporated into mine planning and scheduling.
- Careful mining of the coal seams to minimise inclusion of waste material and maximise recovery of coal.
- Separate stockpiling of different quality product coals following crushing and washing, which are then blended to achieve a homogeneous coal quality prior to being loaded onto trains.
- Sampling of the coal with automatic samplers after crushing; then after coal washing; then again during train loading and finally, during loading onto vessels at the port. All automatic samplers are operated and maintained according to Australian Standards.
- Analysis of all samples is undertaken by independent NATA accredited laboratories according to Australian Standards.