Jellinbah Mine is located on the Tropic of Capricorn, near Bluff and is operated by Jellinbah Group.
In operation since 1989, the mine is an open cut operation with overburden drilling and blasting, followed by conventional removal with truck and shovel and dozer push.
The coal is then mined using the truck and excavator method and is crushed in a 1,200 tonnes per hour crushing and screening plant. Sampling and on-line ash analysis takes place during the crushing process. After crushing, the coal can either be directed to the coal preparation plant or to crushed coal stockpiles.
The product coal consisting of washed and/or bypass coal is trucked approximately 25 km to the Boonal rail siding. It is loaded onto 7,500 tonne trains for despatch to Gladstone Port by rail.
After mining, careful rehabilitation of the spoil dumps is conducted and the site is recovered with topsoil and seeded. Like all Jellinbah Mines, the mine operates in full compliance with the Queensland Government environmental procedures which control levels of noise, dust, water quality and overburden rehabilitation.
Jellinbah coal is a low volatile bituminous coal with high specific energy and low ash – with the mine’s current production capacity at approximately 5Mtpa. The coal properties make it ideally suited to pulverised coal injection and special coal boilers.
Jellinbah Group has a 70 per cent interest in the Jellinbah operation, with Marubeni Resources Development and Sojitz Development each holding 15 per cent interest.